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Sci-fi and Romance

In the month of February I decided to mix up my reading with that bit of romance but I had to have a little bit of a twist. Sci-fi and romance now I love both of these genre's and you've gotta love the creativity of authors in this genre. Sooo here are some honest reviews from me.

Aurora rising by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff

This one seems like an obvious choice but I only picked the series as a whole last month and I devoured the first book. It's full of aliens, romance and lets not forget epic characters. I loved reading this one. I haven't read 'The illuminate Files' so this is the first book I've read from both Jay Kristoff and Amie Kaufman and I've not been let down.

To give the basics of the book, the year is 2380 and we find our selves in the mist of it. Tyler Jones is the leader of this rag-tag bunch of nobodies. Honestly the banter is what made me fall in love with the book and it literally made me laugh out loud. We also meet Aurora who has been brought out of cryo-sleep, so obviously she's a bit confused and bewildered.

For me the story felt fresh and a fun read. I also liked the multiple POVs as it adds more depth to characters and also lets you (the reader) understand the characters more.

Overall the book was a 4.5 out of 5 as no book is perfect.

Warcross by Marie Lu This is an older book but I remember really enjoying reading it, so I thought I'd give it a re-read. For me, Warcross is a really fun concept as book. It's thrilling action mixed with sci-fi mixed with romance. Now don't get me wrong the book is no where near perfect, but if you want an easy read with some fun moments this is your book.

We meet Emika who is a hacker and tries this risky thing that blows up in her face... or does it? She gets caught hacking into the virtual reality game called Warcross. She believes she might be in trouble but no, Hideo Tanaka, the guy who created the game, offers her an undercover job as a player and spy.

I really liked the diversity of the cast in the book and I liked how they fit together. My only disappointment was even when I read the book originally I saw the plot twist coming.

Overall the book was 3 out of 5, just in the middle.

Cinder by Marissa Meyer

I had to DNF this one. Seriously I've tried to read it multiple times but I never really clicked. I think when I originally bought Cinder I loved the premise of the book but for me it feels like it goes nowhere.

Now let's take a look at the plot. Cinder is a cyborg. This is a bold move and I liked the idea. It is a loose adaptation on Cinderella set in a futuristic universe, under the setting of New Beijing. At this point I don't know much about the plot but I will talk about my thoughts on the characters.

Cinder and Kai seem to be so... empty. For me they both lack that personality of main characters. Overall, I couldn't connect with Cinder as a character or a person. This for me is a big red flag if one of my main characters is so bland it hurts. Also, for a place that is called 'New Beijing' it really didn't feel very Asian as there was no culture.

Now this book has been hyped by so many people but for me it didn't hit well with me.

0.5 stars because at least it tried.

Now obviously there are so many more sci-fi romances than that, but I can only read so many books in a month so those are my reviews. Remember, don't let any of my reviews put you off reading any of the books as you might enjoy them. Please comment on the post with any sci-fi books you read recently and let us know what you thought! Ella @mikasibyl

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